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Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)



The aim of Commerce is to enable young people to develop the skills to research and develop solutions to problems involving political, legal, financial and business questions. As our world

becomes more complex and dynamic, it is important that citizens now and, in the future, have a sound understanding of these areas. Learning Commerce promotes critical thinking, reflective

learning and the opportunity to participate in the community. Understanding the relationships between consumers, businesses and governments is central to the course. While investigating these relationships, students develop their capacity to apply problem-solving strategies and refine their skills in analysis and evaluation.


Students who have completed Commerce will have the knowledge, skills, understanding and values to make sound decisions on financial, business and legal issues. They will develop

financial and political literacy, which enables them to participate in our society in an informed way.

Elective History


How do we know where we are going unless we know where we have been?

The Elective History course is a vast journey across time and place. It is a quest for knowledge and understanding gained by exploring History from ancient times to the present through thematic studies relevant to young people today. Students will discover the vast evidence available and the problems associated with discovering the truth. Students have the opportunity to see History in its broadest context exploring evidence with a cross curriculum approach using the visual arts, literature, geography and film as sources of evidence. By using archaeological evidence from ancient civilisations through to Sydney town, visual evidence from ancient sculptures to mediaeval paintings and modern photographs, written evidence from ancient documents to modern works of literature, students will be able to gain insight into the people and events that have shaped their past and their connection with the present.

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